woensdag 13 februari 2008

Cheer Me Up Award

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Usually my entries are first made in Dutch. Today I am doing it the other way around and with reason. Ten days ago I was given a Cheer Me Up Award, with which I was quite pleased. It was given to me by my very creative friend Jacqueline - crejakaarten.blogspot.com
I was especially pleased because eventhough there is always a lot gonig on in my family - and not always very happy things - apparently I was able to cheer her up once in a while. That makes me feel real good.
So now it's up to me to give this award and that isn't that difficult. I read several blogs - creative and others - but the following three I read daily - and daily they cheer me up!!!!
The first is from Cheryl - www.xanga.com/copperswife. I found Cheryl's blog through a creative blog. The way she writes about her life, her family members, her household, her religion is very very inspiring and encouraging.
The second is from Rhonda Jean - down---to---earth.blogspot.com
I found Rhonda Jean's blog through Eyes of Wonder, which unfortunately can now only be read on invitation. Rhonda Jean writes about her life and just about everything that you can imagine.
Although I believe we are about the same age...I learn from her every day. A great blog to read.
And the third blog is the one from Lisa - thetinhouse.blogspot.com
Lisa I " met " because she was my apron SWAP partner; a SWAP that Rhonda Jean had organized. Her blog is about her life and family, her garden....every day things ..but written quite nicely.
Now the question may arise why I have this need to read these blogs daily....I'll tell you. Some years ago I had to quit my job of 24 years in order to take care - fulltime - of my family and especially my son Martijn, a special needs young man. That has ( and still sometimes is) not been easy. By reading these blogs - all three of them - I have gotten what I call " peace of mind". I am more than ever enjoying my home and my men..all three of them. I am more thankful for what I do have...and not resentful of what I don't.
So a HUGE thanks to Cheryl, Rhonda Jean and Lisa. And Happy Valentine!!!!!

Meestal begin ik mijn bericht in het Nederlands......dit keer even niet. En wel om de volgende reden. Een aantal dagen geleden kreeg ik van Jacqueline - crejakaarten.blogspot.com -het Cheer Me Up Award. Daar was ik blij verrast mee. Als je eigen leven niet altijd even vrolijk is en je bent toch in staat om een ander af en toe op te vrolijken ...nou dat doet me goed. Ik heb de award doorgegeven aan drie anderen. Cheryl in de Verenigde Staten en Rhonda Jean en Lisa in Australie. Het zijn drie dames die mij op verschillende manieren inspireren en heel liefdevol over verschillende ondewerpen schrijven.

If you are a recipient of the You Cheer Me Up Award, please find the blogs that cheer you up, copy the code to post on your sidebar and pass Ethel and Lucy across the blogosphere. You can use what cheers you up in your post, or copy this one, but please send your award recipients back to the original post on A Nice Place In The Sun to get a copy of the award code, post the image and read the instructions. I want to try to maintain a page of original and ongoing award recipients, so feel free to let me know if you've received an award when you pick up the image code.

3 opmerkingen:

rhonda jean zei

Awww, you are a real sweetie, Ingeborg. I love your comments and little emailings. You always seem to be so positive and cheerful. Thank you for your kind words and for reading my blog. My warm regards to you and your family.

Jacqueline van der Sar - Crejakaarten zei

Fijn dat je er zo blij mee bent!!! Als ik weer wat meer tijd heb, dan ga ik eens op de blogs van de genomineerden kijken, ben erg benieuwd!

The Tin House zei

Hi Ingeborg - HUGS TO HOLLAND! I was just thinking of you yesterday - ESP? Thanks for the award. I've never received one before and I will be very proudly adding it to my blog this afternoon. Have a lovely day in Holland. Lisa x